A Tour of the Box Factory Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Ever wonder how a game box was made? Lets take a look at everything that went into the simple Righteous Fire box! First, we're going to find a font for the new text logo. This one looks good! Lets sketch it into the Righteous Fire text, then finish it.

Excellent! Now we need to turn it into a logo for the front of the box. We have a general idea of what we want, but the art team is a creative group and there will be a number of options to choose from: Now we want to add the fight scene. We create it one part at a time--the background, the planet, each fighter and so on. Here are the components: Put 'em all together and make 'em fight! Just need to play around and get it right. Whoops, had the Centurion firing from the engines there for a second--Compuserv would have been all over that mistake. And so we have: Now if we could just get it on GOG...

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