Italy Acknowledges Wing Commander Too Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hurleybird spotted another background article from This one is a more concise Italian summary of the entire Wing Commander series. It runs through the highlights of the core games and then ends with a nod to Privateer. It's nice to see all the fans fondly remembering the series from around the globe! Check out the feature here.
Before closing the chapter on Wing Commander, however, it is necessary to mention Wing Commander Privateer. Published in 1993, just before entering the stream of interactive films, Privateer tried to embrace the kind of space simulators of Commerce launched by Elite David Braben and approached, while still boasting an approach commendably free, especially by the standards of Wing Commander. Despite a fair amount of criticism, Privateer had a sequel, published in 1996. Privateer 2: The Darkening could only throw itself headlong into the genre of interactive movies and did so with a budget of excellence and the participation of actors like Christopher Walken, John Hurt and a still unknown at the time Clive Owen. Despite the high quality of the game, repeatedly suggested Privateer 3 never saw the light.

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