Redesigned Scimitar Looks Cutting Edge Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Klavs81 has done some great work reimagining the Rapier II and Hornet, and now his attention has turned to the Scimitar. The fighter has some great similarities to the workhorse of the Academy television show, and it's incorporated some 'real world' design elements that he's trying to standardize among his fleet. Here are some early shots with the craft alongside his other birds.
I knew I couldn't get away from those pods! I agree they complete the look but... Feh!

I'm developing some rules for these ships. All designs must have:

1. Intakes for the engines when they are breathing air
2. Some kind of grill that acts as the ramscoop
3. RCS Thrusters
4. Large internal volume for fuel
5. Some kind of heat radiator

It's fun working these into the existing designs, using existing scoops and such. This applies to ships like the Dralthi too, though the Kilrathi have some different ideas about where to put things, to put it mildly.

Here's a few more shots of the Scimitar. She's a little bit smaller now. Added a pair of wing flaps (non busted).

Complete Your Collection With Wing Commander Academy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If all the Scimitar pictures have made you nostalgic about the television show, it's time to watch Wing Commander Academy again! The three-gigabyte series follows the Tiger's Claw through a very exciting year in Wing Commander history. Grab all thirteen episodes, plus some special features, below.

NOTE: Wing Commander Academy episodes are no longer available for download. Please support the franchise by buying the complete DVD set through the link above.

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