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Starman© has been on a WC modeling binge this year, and he's got quite a few detailed models to show for it. They're just the geometry right now, and they already look pretty sharp. The models are also available to aspiring artists up to the challenge of texturing them. Here are his Border Worlds designs. You can find even more pictures here.
Since Wedge did some work in providing me with images a while back, I thought the least I could do is to show the results before they only lie around on my HD.

Durango: Tried to stay close to original model, including hangar. But I wanted to break up the hull a little, and added therefore two additional engines on the forward armes and some other greebles

The fighters are free for give away if anyone is interested and wants to texture them. Technically the capships too, but some of the greebles are not my doing, so I might change it a little before releasing. If someone is interested, contact me.

Hope you like it.


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