Freddie Prinze, Jr. the Most Hated Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's some sad news for FPJ fans. By evaluating the popularity of various actors with a complex formula, research magazine Miller-McCune has determined that Elijah Wood is the "most critically acclaimed actor" and that Freddie Prinze, Jr. is the most hated today. Fortunately our hero Blair is in good company. Matthew Lillard is also holding up the rear with a #3 score.
Using scores from Metacritic, Miller-McCune weighted the critical scores of actors' movies with the relative size of their roles in those movies. The final list shows that everyone who was in Lord of the Rings is an awesome actor with great taste in projects, with Elijah Wood topping the list and Viggo Mortenson and Ian Holm (the British geezer who played Bilbo Baggins) making the top four, too. Philip Seymour Hoffman is as serious an actor as you think he is, and Jessica Alba is as big a hack. Bottoming out the list was Freddie Prinze, Jr., followed by someone named Eddie Griffin and a tragic Matthew Lillard who had so much potential, once.

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