Happy Sivar-Eshrad! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today, October 20, is the annual Kilrathi Sivar-Eshrad ceremony. The event is the most sacred Kilrathi religious holiday. In preparation for the ceremony, all Sons of Kilrah who are able report to a site of Holy Dedication chosen by the Priestesses of Sivar in order to sing the praises of Lord Sivar by offering sacrifices in battle. The inhabitants of the dedication site must be forcibly converted to the Kilrathi religion. If the ceremony is performed properly the War God will favor the Warriors of Kilrah in battle for the next year. If not, they are doomed to be defeated by their enemies until they can atone for their failure. The Way of Lord Sivar may not be observed by non-believers.

The holy day first appeared in Secret Missions 2: Crusade and was also the basis for the two-part finale of Wing Commander Academy, Glory of Sivar. We know that Sivar ceremonies were held on Ghorah Khar in 2621, Dolos in 2654 and Firekka in 2655. The Emperor wanted to hold the ceremony on Earth in 2668 -- luckily, that didn't happen.

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