Ascii Sector 0.5 Released! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Straight out of Awesome Land, Chris Knudsen is back with a new edition of Privateer Ascii Sector. Version 0.5 is now available to download for Windows, Mac and Lunix. In addition to tons of tweaks and fixes, players can now walk around the insides of their ship! This has been on Chris' wish list for a long time, and it's a feature he was happy to finally be able to implement. A new star system has also been added with another base to explore. Here are some of the other improvements.
- Fixed bug with the gems commodity event.
- Fixed bug with SHIFT+'N' that would mess up the destination MFD or even crash the game.
- Fixed a couple of graphical bugs with the Quine.
- Fixed bug that caused new missions to not always be added to the end of your mission list.
- Fixed bug that had mission status messages always tell you that the mission was completed even if it was expired or failed.
- Fixed but that made it possible to send messages to cargo containers and ejected pilots.
- Fixed bug that may have been responsible for many of the crashes related to playing the music.
- Fixed various other potential game crashing bugs.
- Time no longer passes when using the Quine or computers.
- You can now access your Quine while in Combat Mode and while walking around on a ship in space, but you won't be able to save the game.
- When you save an ejected pilot and take him/her to a base, you'll now also receive a random amount of credits (beyond having your standing with the pilot's faction increased).
- The Drayman can now carry 1350 units of cargo (2025 with cargo expansion). It can no longer use an afterburner, though.
- When you jettison cargo, you can now specify precisely how much cargo to dump.
- The various ships now carry different amounts of jump fuel.

Making the Game: Mission S4 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Mission S4 is actually a 'flight test' to examine how the player has done thus far with maneuvering, flying and weapons-play. Unlike the obstacle course, I think this is a really cool idea (but, alas, it was not in Wing Commander Prophecy).

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

Mission S4
Download (17 kb)

Date: May 2, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: 2

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