Sixth WCPedia Meeting This Sunday Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is a reminder about the IRC conference this weekend concerning the encyclopedia project. The event begins online in #Wingnut at 7 pm Eastern US time on Sunday, February 22, 2009. After action reports of the previous conferences can be found here, here and here. Newcomers can connect to the discussion easily via the Java Client. Here is Dundradal with the meeting agenda:

Time to meet up again and get our WC historian juices flowing.

We are still working on WC1 mission entries and but have quite a bit done in the ones that are already created. I'm devoting the next few days to filling in WC1 script data and then working on creating the remaining articles and filling in USG text.

Everyone who is interested in helping should attend. I can't do this project entirely on my own so I'm appealing for help.

Log onto #wingnut and learn a thing or two.

Making the Game: Mission E1 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Series E is the first half of the T'lan Meth missions... and it begins with a historically confusing mission: the hunt for the alien drone. I'll be honest: I still don't know how to find the drone and I still don't know if the drone I find in this mission is the comm relay device seen in later cutscenes or not.

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

Mission E1
Download (78 kb)

Date: November 25, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: 6

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