Longbow Set To Do Damage Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

JasonRocZ has released shots of another new fighter for the Wing Commander Collateral Damage mod. This time we get to see the Longbow bomber, which was recommissioned at some point between Secret Ops and Wing Commander Arena. The turret art in the rear is just a placeholder for now. It will be better integrated and rearmed soon.
Not totally finished but here are a few samples. Loadout is to be similar to WC4/WC3 specs with a few differences in missile loadout.

Making the Game: Mission B1 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's the first "real" mission from the game. "B1" is H'rekkah 1, the Kilrathi distress call mission. Note that this document uses the later correct names - Casey instead of Dane, Stiletto instead of Nemesis and so on. You can also see the cut 'cloak' dialogue, which would have originally explained why cloaking devices don't appear in Wing Commander Prophecy.

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

Mission B1
Download (65 kb)

Date: October 6, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: 8

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