Progress Made On Standoff Audio Recordings Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

As the Standoff team presses on towards Episode 5's release, they've committed to more frequent status updates. There has been significant progress in regards to the audio this month, and they home to get further with the game's missions soon. Here's Eder with the latest.
What progress has there been this week?

The main thing has been voiceovers. Tempest's delivered another bunch of in-flight voiceovers. Other than that, Pierre has made some progress on his missions, as well as fixing (together with Pedro) some bugs in the OpenGL DLL.

Our voiceovers are now just 197 lines away from completion - we now have more than 500 voiceovers ready for this episode. In terms of voiceovers (well, and in terms of pretty much everything else), this episode is much bigger than the previous ones - even Episode 1, which contained the lion's share of the generic voiceovers for the Confed pilots contained 659 lines. That's quite an impressive chunk of work... and all of it done by volunteers! The folks who have recorded voiceovers for us along the way outnumber the actual core Standoff team by a ratio of at least two to one, maybe even three to one. And they're the people who really make the game what it is - without voiceovers, even the best-designed missions are just plain dull.

Even so, I sure wouldn't mind having some mission progress to report...

Making the Game: Input Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Apparently flying a space fighter is actually very complicated, as this design document about Wing Commander Prophecy's keyboard and joystick input paths explains. Most of it is entirely beyond me, but I am very interested in the proposed Playstation controls. This same team spent quite a bit of time trying to develop an improved input for WCIV PSX, so all of this complicated madness might have worked quite well had the game been released. Also great is a note from Billy Cain: "THIS NEEDS TO BE MADE EXPLICITLY CLEAR. RIP OFF THE BEST SYSTEM OUT THERE, OR COME UP WITH A COMPOSITE".

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

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Date: March 25, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: 3

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