Wing Commander Scene Seen on the Small Screen Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Jacob was one of many fans who caught a surprise showing of the Wing Commander movie on broadcast TV this past weekend. What makes this one particularly noteworthy was that it was also broadcast over-the-air as an unencrypted high definition transmission. There are no additional showings scheduled within the next couple weeks, but the MyTV listings would be one to watch for anyone looking to record a high def copy for themselves.
"Just for the record, Wing Commander was shown on My Network (a TV network similar to CW) on Saturday night at 8 PM EST. I looked on the My Network website (at least the one for WPHL-17 out of Philly) and there are no plans to air the movie again within the next two weeks."

"I was flipping through the channels before work and I was like "Whaaaaaat" and I got all giddy as they jumped the quasar in the beginning. It was kind of weird, there were some scratches on it that looked like they were showing a print of it, not like a DVD or VHS tape."

Several Wingnuts also noticed the showing and were watching the film together on IRC. If you've never tried it out before you can use the easy Java client to join in now. If you notice the Wing Commander movie is going to be showing on your local network, don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be sure to spread the word so other Wingnuts can tune in as well.

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