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First 0.4 then 0.4.1... now 0.4.4! The astounding Privateer: Ascii Sector is on an updating rampage! Chris Knudsen has made the following changes:

  • Fixed bug with captives counting against your passenger space.
  • Fixed bug when calculating the payment for "Join Convoy" missions.
  • Asteroid fields now gradually thin out as you reach the edge.
  • You will now be able to enter autopilot if there are enemy ships nearby, but they aren't attacking you.
  • When escorting a ship, you can now order it to engage hostiles.
  • Miscellaneous minor changes and fixes to escort/convoy missions.
  • When escorting a ship to a docking, the ship to dock with will now engage hostiles instead of just sitting there.
  • During ground combat, innocent bystanders will now move away from the combatants.
  • Missions are now sorted in the order they're accepted (first to last).
  • Your risk of being scanned at a nav point is now based on: your confed and militia standing, how often you've been caught smuggling in the past, how controlled the nav point is by confeds and militia, and whether or not you've just attacked or destroyed any pirates, retros or Kilrathi at that nav point.
I hate to say it, but some parts of this game's design are more complex than the real Privateer! The updated version is available for download here.

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