Star*Soldier Gloss: Page 41 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the Star*Soldier gloss for the second timeline page:

CONCEPT: See the previous post!
  • "2634.235" - No changes.
  • "2634.239" - Alternate version addition. From the Super Famicom version of Wing Commander I, translated from Japanese.
  • "2639.033" through "2639.040" - This was the significant change to the original text. We had three versions to work from: the original in Claw Marks ('15 Years Ago') which has the correct system (Enyo), an updated version in the Super Famicom manual which adds more specific dates and details (ie, 2639.040 for the end, the 'pincer attack' plan) and the Victory Streak version which updates the original but gets the system wrong (McAuliffe) and ignores any additional details from the SFC timeline. So: I took the Victory Streak version but worked in the additional translated sentences and the dates from the SFC release and then slightly modified it to include both Enyo and McAuliffe rather than one or another.
  • "2642.082" - Alternate version addition. From the Super Famicom version of Wing Commander I, translated from Japanese.
  • "2644" - Restored/repaired! This entry comes from Claw Marks' separate history of the Tiger's Claw. I would have left it out except for the fact that Victory Streak incorrectly uses the 2644 date for Custer's Carnival, which was the 'five years ago' (2649) date in Claw Marks. They are separate stories!
  • "2645-2653" - Alternate version addition. From the Wing Commander Academy series bible. Unfortunately I realize now that I left out two important additions from that same source. Reprinted here: "2635-2638 - Kilrathi raids decimate the Confederation border planets. Only determined resistance by the Terran space forces keep the Kilrathi from breaking through into the heart of the Confederation." and "2640-2643 - Inconclusive fighting among the border worlds. Some planets change hands as many as five tiems. Both sides seem to be stalemated."
  • "2646.006" and "2648.305" - Alternate version addition. From the Super Famicom version of Wing Commander I, translated from Japanese.

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