Kilrah Run This Week
This is the last week of's community replay of Wing Commander 3! Wingnuts are gearing up now to infiltrate the Kilrah System and strike Kirah with the temblor bomb. Players will then get next week off before everyone jumps into Wing Commander 4. Lorien had this to say about the final mission.
Kilrah 3: Paladin's briefing is again very simple. I have a Cloaking Device and a T-Bomb that I'm to take to Kilrah and use to send them all to Hell.
The Kilrathi presence close to their homeworld is getting a lot heavier. Instead of the corvette pairs on patrol in the outer system, Vagabond and I encounter nothing but Destroyers. The first one is escorted by Paktahns and Dralthi. The fighters are easily taken care of, but Vagabond wanders into the path of too much of the Destroyer's fire and I'm forced to send him home and take care of the Destroyer myself. The next Destroyer is guarded by Dralthi and a cloaked contingent of Strakha. The Dralthi are taken care of easily, but the Strakha swarm in such numbers that I'm forced to turn around and kick them in the chops as they fire upon me. I hang back a second to let my shields recharge before diving in on the Destroyer's rear, which is covered only by laser turrets and not the heavy AMGs. The weaker rear armour also helps it go down quickly. I'm unable to take full advantage of this weakness with the last Destroyer. The Darkets escorting it swarmed in much the same way as the Strakha did at the last nav point and fortunately the tactic used against them worked just as well. The Destroyer captain, however, is very aggressive and maneuvers his ship around to constantly face my Excalibur and bring the heavy guns to bear. I'm forced to fly carefully, but eventually it goes down.
Next stop, Kilrah. I engage my cloaking device so that I can slip through the gigantic Kilrathi fleet in orbit but I disengage the cloak when a very tempting target presents itself. Thrakhath and Hobbes. Thrakhath is flying his personal Bloodfang while Hobbes is in a Thunderbolt. No doubt they've taken a guess at the pilot destroying random Destroyers in their system and Hobbes' Thunderbolt is a carefully calculated insult. I'm not one to pass up a slap in the face like that, however, and decide to play the Strakha game against him. From the cloak, I lock two IR missiles onto him and match speeds to Hobbes' rear. Disengaging the cloak, I open fire with a full barrage of guns and missiles. I doubt the traitor even knew what hit him, but I'm sure he knew who. Thrakhath and his escort of two Paktahns move to engage me and I decide to take out the Paktahns first to make it properly personal. Once they can no longer interfere, it's time to dance with Thrakhath. It's a disappointingly short dance, however. Thrakhah makes one pass that barely scores any hits on me before I fall onto his tail. The Bloodfang's shields and armour do it little good from behind and I finally rid the universe of Prince Thrakhath. With his debris field behind me, I dive towards the Kilrathi homeworld.
- Community Replay - General Discussion
- WC1 Week 1 - Enyo, McAuliffe, Gimle, Gateway, Cheng-du
- WC1 Week 2 - Brimstone, Dakota, Kurasawa, Rostov, Port Hedland, Hubble's Star
- WC1 Week 3 - Venice, Hell's Kitchen, Alternate Paths
- Secret Missions Week 1 - Goddard, Border Zone, Midgard
- Secret Missions Week 2 - Jotunheim, Bifrost
- Secret Missions Week 3 - Valgard, Vigrid
- SM2: Crusade Week 1 - Firekka
- SM2: Crusade Week 2 - Corsair, Near Firekka
- SM2: Crusade Week 3 - Corsair, Charon
- WC2 Week 1 - Gwenydd, Niven
- WC2 Week 2 - Niven, Ghorah Khar
- WC2 Week 3 - Novaya Kiev, Heaven's Gate
- WC2 Week 4 - Heaven's Gate, Tesla
- WC2 Week 5 - Enigma
- WC2 Week 6 - K'tithrak Mang
- SO1 Week 1 - Pembroke
- SO1 Week 2 - Rigel
- SO1 Week 3 - Ghorah Khar 1
- SO1 Week 4 - Ghorah Khar 2
- SO2 Week 1 - Canewdon 1
- SO2 Week 2 - Canewdon 2
- SO2 Week 3 - Canewdon 3
- SO2 Week 4 - Ayer's Rock
- WC3 Week 1 - Orsini
- WC3 Week 2 - Tamayo, Locanda
- WC3 Week 3 - Blackmane, Ariel/Delius
- WC3 Week 4 - Caliban, Torgo
- WC3 Week 5 - Loki, Alcor
- WC3 Week 6 - Freya, Hyperion
- WC3 Week 7 - Kilrah
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