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Forums member goat wants to recruit players for a new Wing Commander MUSH (a text-based role playing game):

What is a MUSH: I believe the letters stand for Multi User Shared Hallucination. What that means? Heck if I know. Basically, it's a (in my opinion) better/cooler version of mIRC. It is a game where players can go to practically 24/7 to play a game instead of always scheduling one or two days out of the week to do something with a couple of guys. Generally people code up things like dice rolling, an economy system, and sometimes an interactive text based space system for players to immerse themselves more fully into a game system.
In the meantime, goat would like you to try either the Red Horizons or Ground Zero MUSH. He has posted detailed instructions on how to connect and play.
For all you old Wing Commander: Red Horizon junkies, I bring you this:

Wing Commander: Red Horizon 2197

Rincewind and x run this site at the moment. x mentioned recently that he may be interested in opening the site up to allow players to run amok and fly about space until we all kill each other then start the game all over again and let us at each other again! He's thinking of setting it up where there is no staff, just players going crazy.

For all of you who are wanting to possibly start up a new Wing Commander game, I bring you a another site I stumbled upon by a guy who used to go by the name Locke:

Wing Commander Ground Zero: 5500

Locke is looking at having a slightly smaller game, or maybe a more managed one. I haven't discussed in depth what his plans are. I do know that he's wanting to start the game off during Wing Commander 2's time period and looks to focus mainly on the conflict between the Confederation and the Kilrathi. He's discussed the idea of allowing small civilian factions to exist but wants to keep the number of civilian organizations small for the moment.

If neither one of those appeal to you, I am still going to be working on my own Wing Commander project. I felt that as I find games out there, I should go ahead and keep the Wing Commander CIC Forums updated.

Making the Game - Part 72 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The second part of the Wing Commander Prophecy designer's bible is the gameflow section. This lays out all of the 'static' screens in the game - ie, the interactive menus where you pick which character to talk to or which door to go through. One interesting thing is the reference to the Wing Commander Universe map, at one point considered for inclusion in the game itself.

Bible 02 - Gameflow
Download (3.0 MB)

Date: Unknown
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: Billy Cain
Pages: 5

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