The Slightest Commentary Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter has posted an article that includes a history of video game-based movies. Naturally, Wing Commander is skewered:
Wing Commander. Yeah, this one bombed too. It was a good idea in theory because everyone likes intergalactic wars. But casting Freddie Prinze Jr and Matthew Lillard to star was perhaps not the brightest of moves. I vaguely remember seeing it and it looked like a cheap knock-off of an assortment of sci-fi movies. That was pretty much the problem for any video game adaptation; trying to create that alternative to the mainstream that the video games, with their imagery, had created already. But doing so on a budget was difficult and video game movies didn't make any money. Largely because everyone knew they sucked.
This is actually interesting, since it runs counter to something most fans believe - which is that the Wing Commander movie failed because it made a conscious effort not to look like the games.

Making the Game - Part 50 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

April 18, 1997 - the Component Leads Meeting agendas are now simply Wing Commander Prophecy (!) status reports. It looks like the big news this week is the imminent arrival of Cobalt 60, the electro/industrial group scheduled to generate the game's soundtrack.

Component Manager Meeting Agenda
Download (2.2 MB)

Date: April 18, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: Billy Cain
Pages: 5

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