We Still Need You! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Since the last time we posted about our mission to Electronic Arts' Origin archive, we've had nothing but good news. Thanks to the dedication and the trust of the Wing Commander community we've learned about some of the formats... and we've even been loaned a SyQuest drive for the mission! We hope we can do justice to your dedication.

Here's the deal: we still need all the help we can get! Do you know anything about data recovery? Are you in the Washington metropolitan area and interested in geeking out for a few days while helping us preserve this material? We're putting together a team now to assist with the project, and are eager to include members of this great community.

These are the no-longer-as-mysterious data formats -- plus an additional shot of some of the boxes of materials we will be archiving and studying. Are you up for it?

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