Good Work, Ad Men Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

What follows is the advertising slick FOX sent out to theaters in early 1999 offering suggestions as to how to promote the Wing Commander movie. The list on the back is truly amazing, culminating in this: "Use old computer equipment and other high tech items to simulate a spaceship command center. Have theatre staff dress up in WING COMMANDER type uniforms complete with space helmets." In a word, wow.

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Death has found an interesting bit of internet history: it's an unusually positive review of the Wing Commander movie from an expectantly respectable source - Dr. Jerry Pournelle (author of Falkenberg's Legion and The Mote in Gods Eye, among others.) He says:
I've just seen Wing Commander, Now this is one movie you will either love or hate. I doubt there is much in between. If you liked that game, you will love the movie. If you can do willing suspension of belief enough to like Star Wars, you should love this. It has at least as good a story line, and the characters are believable, at least to me. And Maniac is no longer an idiot. Impulsive, yes, hot pilot with a high regard for his own abilities, but not a dope at all.

I liked it a lot. I truly did. The effects were quite good. Now you have to go in there with the view that you are going to suspend your analytical faculties, but that's true of a lot of good movies, and certainly so for Star Trek and Star Wars. If you can do that, you will love this movie. I did.

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