Dare Your Eyes Gaze Upon the Mystery Cockpit? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I thought I'd seen it all - the dark recesses of the universe that would leave a lesser man shivering in broad daylight. But there's one thing I hadn't seen - one thing so terrible that it can only be described as... oh, wait, it's just a strange early Super Wing Commander cockpit. This image appeared in some 'general' Electronic Arts' advertising in 1993-4, as well as alongside some magazine reviews of the game. A flight of Rapier IIs, similar to those which appear in the intro, is clearly visible -- but the cockpit itself seems to completely lack standard elements like VDUs.

UWE II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's an unexpected tangent: film site IESB.net recently conducted an interview with video game movie director Uwe Boll in which Wing commander was mentioned:

IESB: Are there video game franchises that have been already been adapted unsuccessfully by others – like Doom or Wing Commander – that you’d want to go back and redo?

Boll: Not really, to be honest. I’m in total not a big fan of remakes. I like to start fresh in something new. This was the reason I produced only and did not direct Alone in the Dark II because I didn’t really like – the first one was my weakest movie in a way. The second one is different but not different enough. With Bloodrayne it was a different thing. With Bloodrayne, here I can basically jump from genre to genre. Bloodrayne II was a western and Bloodrayne III will be a second world war movie. So it’s a very different approach.

No Uwe Boll-directed Wing Commander II? Darn the luck.

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