Finish Up Crusade Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander 1 and the Secret Missions wrap up this week with the completion of the Corsair and Charon Systems in Crusade. After this short week, Dundradal is giving everyone a week off prior to the start of Wing Commander 2. This will allow anyone participating in his coordinated replay to reset and get ready. A lot of people were waiting for WC2, so they'll get their chance to jump in around April 6. Here's Lorien with some more adventures near Firekka.
Near Firekka 1: Maniac continues to snap, I can't say that I'm suprised but it's still a worry that he'll be put back on the flight line. Loved meeting Doomsday for the first time. Despite his attitude I always get the feeling he has a great sense of humour. Hunter's family are throwing themselves pretty seriously into the war, I hope the sister isn't out for revenge, that never ends well.

As much as I appreciate the Hornet's speed and maneuverability. I wish the Colonel had given us something with a bit more bang to protect the transports with. Even Salthi take ages to destroy with 2 laser cannons. It got even worse at Nav 2 when a Dralthi shot off a laser cannon. I was tempted to count the number of shots needed to blow a Dralthi up.

Corsair 3: The Austin is pulling back and taking Doomsday and Jazz with it. Is it just me or is there something sinister about the way Jazz is talking? It's probably just WC2 talking.

Note to the Drakhai training corps. While charging ahead may inspire the other pilots, it's best not to do so in a Dralthi against a Rapier. This mission felt like one from Thor's Hammer. Launching into a furball around the Claw, tracking down and nailing a Destroyer and a Carrier then returning home to find another bunch of cats making a run at my Carrier. I get a Gold star for saving one of our carriers while depriving the Kilrathi of one of theirs.

Corsair 4: I've got another mission in 8 hours, so no chance of finding out what Blair's usual is this time around. Besides the fact that it's not tea, which seems kind of obvious. It seems the Kilrathi aren't the only one's with loyalty difficulties as the Society of Mandarins raises it's ugly little head. Looks like Knight is going to stay with us, I guess he likes making a difference out here.

Lots of Kilrathi in this mission. I saw a Drakhai in a Salthi use an interesting maneuver. He lined up in front of another Salthi and rolled as they both fired. None of the rear ship's fire seem to hit him and it doubled their effective firepower. Until the Drakhai blew up, anyway. The fight against the Hriss in the asteroid was tense, not being able to use afterburners to avoid much fire the fight resembled a brawl more than a dogfight.

Both Transports are taken out and the Marines accomplish their mission.

Space Sim First Look: Sins of a Solar Empire Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's part thirty-nine of our hopefully never-ending series of Space Sim First Looks. Up for preview today is the recently released (and wonderfully named) Sins of a Solar Empire, a space-based 4X strategy game for Windows that's getting some positive buzz from members of this community. The official line says:

Explore the Epic Scale of a Dynamic Galaxy
Explore and conquer neighboring planets and distant solar systems in a massively scaled, fully 3D galaxy featuring planets, clusters of asteroids, rare comets and radiant stars.

Customize and Improve Powerful Units.
As battle hardened capital ships advance in level, their core offensive and defensive systems are improved and their unique abilities are unlocked. Try out the devastating Raze Planet, the tactical Clairvoyance and the hull ravaging Phase Missile Swarm.

Take on Multiple Roles
Transition between the roles of emperor and fleet commander as you zoom-in seamlessly to direct a crucial battle while managing the rest of your empire effortlessly on the same screen.

Extensive Diplomatic and Economic Strategies
Diplomatic and economic strategies can exercise a variety of options including forging and breaking alliances, trading resources, placing bounties on backstabbing ex-allies and over-powered tyrants, blockading enemy planets, establishing trade routes and manipulating the commodities market.

A demo is available for download here.

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