Nephilim Puffer Puffs Up Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

One of the hundreds of cool things about Star*Soldier was a WWII-style silhouette poster warning the population about Nephilim incursions. Not only did it feature the designs from Prophecy and Secret Ops, but a couple cool new craft were dropped in as well. One of those is the Puffer class ship. All we know about the Puffer is its general shape and that the heavy Dralthi Rhino was built to counter it. JasonRocZ has played off that to build a cool interpretation of what the design might look like colored and modeled. He did a great job. Take a look.

Here's some preliminaries of the Puffer class ship featured in S*S. If there's anything you think I should add lemme know. I used the Manta textures from Secret Ops as a base. I haven't darkened or lightened the textures at all.

Every Wingnut Needs Star*Soldier Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Lots of people still ask where they can get Star*Soldier - the amazing manual for Wing Commander Arena. The answer is right here (7.7 meg PDF)! This super 60+ page guide introduces you to the world of Arena and fills you in on decades of new backstory for the end of the 27th century. It's a free download and absolutely everyone should have it. Here's a handful of pages, including the warning poster that includes the Nephilim Puffer.

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