Free Das Erwachen Book Up For Grabs Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Deacan is running a contest to give away an autographed copy of Das Erwachen Stille. To enter, participants need to write up "test flight review" for one of the Privateer 2 ships. Articles on visiting various P2 planets or starbases may also be acceptable. All entries will eventually make it into the Tri-System wiki-project that the Das Erwachen team has in the works. For the time being, post your entries to the CIC Forums here.
Dear English speaking people!

You can win one book of the "Erwachen-series" (Part II, Stille)! Yes, I will give one away for "free" - just a little request: write about a "test fly" in a ship (or different stuff) from the Privateer 2 game (the Darkening!!!).

Why? Well, we work on a wiki-style encyclopedia for both Privateer II and the "Erwachen" books and we hope to translate as much as possible from our German version into English, but we search for new material as well...

So - if you think you can make a good and detailed page about a ship (or a person, a place, a planet) from the game and you want that (signed) book - make a short note here. The winner will be choosen by the readers at the CIC Forums.

So, once again: one book (Value: 16 € plus free shipment, even if you live in the USA, England or France, it dosent matter!) waits for a winner...

PS: You speak Ggerman? You are from Germany? No problem at all - I will give away a second book for free for a German-version! Please contact me via pm if you are interessed! The German contest starts on a other board, but I will of course inform all you here about this contest!

So - start to work on the keyboards!

Good luck!

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Escapist Magazine has posted another article about the state of space combat sims. It also weaves in a bunch of info on fan projects in work today. The author talked with several ongoing projects, but there's a big lean towards "open source" undertakings. Unfortunately it doesn't get into any of the impressive Wing Commander mods out there today that are pointedly closed source or that have achieved great success without access to any type of source material to begin with. To top it off, the article only mentions Wing Commander Arena's third person mode in a section on first/third-person POVs, and it skips over Arena's creative environments right after talking about how boring open space is in most games today.

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