Wing Commander's Look and Feel Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

PhoneMag is reporting that Apple has created a tech-demo of a Wing Commander-like game for the iPhone:
EA’s Travis Boatman showed up at the Roadmap event to demonstrate their iPhone version of Spore, where the accelerometer moves the spore around, while Apple themselves created a Wing Commander-style game called Touch Fighter. Tilting the iPhone steers while tapping the screen fires.
It sounds like they're already working with Electronic Arts on the platform... and the last time we saw a cool Wing Commander-inspired tech demo, it became Prophecy GBA!

Sorry, Saffron Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's one from left field: celebrity site Available for Panto is claiming that British singer Leona Lewis looks just like... Colonel Jeanette "Angel" Devereaux from Wing Commander 2? It happened:

Now I know this is tantamount to blasphemy for some of you so before you start with the death-threats, I'm not saying Leona always looks like a person from an early 90s space fighting game. But even the most die-hard Lewis fans among you must agree that this picture of her sure as eggs didn't come straight off a camera. I reckon it went through some kind of Wing Commander pixelisation transcombobulation filter before the internet got hold of it ("but what pixels!" etc) ...And Leona fans, think yourselves lucky, I came within a whisker of putting her down as a Kilrathi! Now that would have been offensive.

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