Perfect Plan Seeks Voice Actors Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Kyran is looking for any volunteers who might want to lend their voice to the next iteration of his Flight Commander campaign. Perfect Plan has its own self-contained story, but it uses a variety of Wing Commander ships and ideas. After a slow period last year, the project has seen a good number of updates and advancements in 2008. Visit if you'd like to help out.
For the next version I hope to have all the fighters re-skinned (the ones used in the campaign), the Masquerade, Sanctuary and Knothole ship class replaced with something smaller and cheaper, a few new missions, and more voice acting.

Promo Poll Posted By EA Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If you're not all polled-out from yesterday (Wing Commander has doubled its percentage since Wingnuts charged in), EA has a question for you. Their latest survey asks what sort of collectible item you would most like included with deluxe editions of future games. Choices include an art book, graphic novel, t-shirt, bonus DVD, "bag" and strategy guide. The shirt, DVD and guide are leading, but head over and let them know what you think. Wing Commander games have included most of these items in the past, plus patches, posters, audio CDs and more.

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