MegaReview Arrives From Spain Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Maxi de Sokar has another cool Spanish Wing Commander review today. This one dates back to Issue 34 of the MegaOcio magazine. In this case the game got a lengthy four-page spread that's full of fun pictures. How many other seventeen year old games still have screenshots that look so good? Wing Commander received a solid 9 points out of 10.
Pocas veces un programa nos ha sorprendido tan gratamente como lo ha hecho la ultima produccion de Mindscape, Wing Commander, un simulador de combate espacial que nos hara vivir las mas emocionantes aventuras y combates galacticos, claro esta, sentados enfrente de nuestro ordenador.

Seldom has a program so pleasantly surprised us as the latest production of Mindscape, Wing Commander, a space combat simulator that will make us live the most exciting galactic fight possible sitting in front of our computer.

Mindscape and DRO SOFT published Origin games for alternate platforms/countries.

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