DXMCI WC4 DVD Patch 1.5 Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

gulikoza has released one final update to the dxmci patch which allows Wing Commander fans to play WC4 DVD without the required hardware decoder board that the game originally shipped with. Now that the project has exceeded all of its original goals, regular future development will be discontinued. As part of this process, the source code has been released so that others may address any additional issues yet to be discovered. As a bonus, the new 1.5 patch also adds support for the DVD version of Starfleet Academy. gulikoza has steadily made improvements to the software to improve compatibility and remove bugs since its release four years ago. Allowing fans to play WC4 DVD on modern computers without a discontinued piece of auxiliary hardware was long considered one of the most ambitious goals of the WC community. A big thanks goes out to gulikoza for making the DXMCI patch a reality. In addition to our local mirrors, the patch, source code and addon helper files are available from the download section of gulikoza's page.
I've released one final version of DXMCI and the sources under GNU GPL. The latest version adds support for Starfleet Academy DVD (maybe not so interesting here) and an option in the configuration for forcing mpeg2dec (so dxmci can work alongside PowerDVD, forcing mpeg2dec to be used). I don't have time to work on it anymore (haven't had time in a while, but WC4 seems to have worked pretty well, mostly just DirectShow and codec problems), but this way somebody can improve it or fix it in the future (Vista and beyond...). I still enjoy reading the wcnews site and this board, so I'll still drop in occasionally. :)

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