Point of Origin: Vol. II, No. 19 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Surprise - Special Ops 2 has shipped! You wouldn't even know the game was in development, from the last bunch of Point of Origin updates... but on June 19, 1992 it takes center stage. Well, not entirely - check out the 'Dear Point Man' segment, which mentions rumors of some involvement with Electronic Arts...

A very special thanks to Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum for making this resource available and to Electronic Arts for sending them to him in the first place!

  • Special Ops 2 Taking Off has good news for sales of the second (third?) Wing Commander addon: "So far, so good for Special Ops 2. Sales have been very active. In fact, Babbages just turned (put in a second order) for 900 units. Software Etc and Electronic Boutique are pulling out their checkbooks again, too. With the re-orders, a total of about 19,000 units have moved into the channel. Congrats to the Special Ops 2 team!"
  • Notes from La-La Land has a new marketing idea for the original Wing Commander (and others): "This Fall, Wing Commander and Ultima VI will hit a new low: $29.95. It's part of a master plan to get into the mass-market, places like Montgomery Ward, Best Buy, etc."
  • Press Here has some choice media quotes about Wing Commander II and Wing Commander II/French: "'Not only does this game demonstrate the capabilities of multimedia PC's, it's helping to drive sales of them.' Computer Shopper" and "'Thanks to an extremely faithful translation (thumbs up to the translator who perfectly masters French insults!), we're finally able to fully enjoy this super-sublime game.' Joystick (France)", respectively.
Point of Origin
Vol. II, No. 19 - June 19, 1992
Special Ops 2 Taking Off
Notes from La-La Land
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Dear Point Man
Donut Count Update

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