Grab A Groovy Gratha Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Michelle D is crazy about Grathas, and there's a bunch of evidence to prove it. The shots below represent various stages on the road to a 500 polygon Gratha model, and the results look good. Modelers can grab an untextured version of the ship here (50 kb OBJ files). The design should look familiar. It's shown up before as the star of the Dibb's Salvage series. You can find more poses and renders from earlier drafts over at
I try to make an accurate model as well as my own variations, because I understand how some fans can be very nit picky about accuracy. I think it takes a few variations to really discover what's what when transitioning from 2D to 3D. I also liked the challenge of the low poly models as I've seen some rather impressive ones and not so impressive ones, hopefully mine makes the cut.

The Art of Wing Commander Arena - Part Fifteen Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the second of three test 'clay' renderings, showing the basic 3D shape of ships designed for Wing Commander Arena. Unlike the Arrow rendering, the major changes incorporated in the Dralthi IX have already been developed at this point - specifically, the large engine scoop which replaced the Dralthi IV's smaller weapons pod.

This is part of a series of beautiful Wing Commander Arena concept images graciously provided by Gaia Industries. You can find the original article here. You can thank the guys at Gaia by picking up Street Trace NYC on Xbox Live Arcade!

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