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Remember Prince Thrakhath's flagship in the Wing Commander 2 intro? A lot of fans remember the majestic KIS Hha'ifra from its brief cutscene appearances, but quite a few assume it's just another Ralatha. It's actually a fearsome Rigakh class cruiser however! LOAF whipped up a couple top/bottom shots to illustrate some of the unique aspects of each ship. The engine nacelles on the larger Rigakh are more like a Fralthra's, and the Ralatha has fewer of them. The Rigakh also appears to have a large bay opening in its nose.

Always eager to seize a good opportunity to play with Wing Commander 2 ships, Marc has posed the Rigakh and Ralatha next to a Fralthra and Kamekh.
I don't have the original to render out, but here is the Rigakh (of course, not to scale).

The Art of Wing Commander Arena - Part Nine Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Another Wing Commander III/IV ship considered for Arena was the Longbow bomber! The folks at Gaia liked the Longbow so much that they slipped it into the finished build - you can find rows of WC4-painted Longbows parked all along the lower platforms of the space station map!

This is part of a series of beautiful Wing Commander Arena concept images graciously provided by Gaia Industries. You can find the original article here. You can thank the guys at Gaia by picking up Street Trace NYC on Xbox Live Arcade!

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