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Looking for something exciting to do with your spare time? You can help edit the WCPedia! We opened a basic Wikipedia-style webpage last month during our birthday celebration and work is now being done to fill it out with the kind of information you'd expect in a Wing Commander Encyclopedia. We've just begun a project to go through the Wing Commander canon step-by-step - starting with Claw Marks and ending with Arena. Claw Marks is under the microscope right now, which means entries from Aaron Allston to Zig-Zag have been added! The work can be tedious, but the payoff will be excellent - join the fight today!

The Art of Wing Commander Arena - Part Three Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Another concept explored by the Wing Commander Arena team was the ability to customize your fighter's paint scheme - or at least choose from any number of options. Today's image shows that concept applied to the F-27 Arrow V... in regular, green and stealth - just like Wing Commander IV!

This is part of a series of beautiful Wing Commander Arena concept images graciously provided by Gaia Industries. You can find the original article here. You can thank the guys at Gaia by picking up Street Trace NYC on Xbox Live Arcade!

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