Birthday Greetings from Electronic Arts! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We're also here to celebrate Wing Commander's bright present... and the guys at Electronic Arts responsible for Wing Commander Arena were also kind enough to send along some awesome birthday greetings. They say it better than I can, so read on:

Hey there Wingnuts,

We here at EA and Gaia just wanted to take a minute to say hello and send a HUGE thank you to everyone in the WC News community for you support, help and passion. Without you, the Wing Commander franchise would not be what it is today and things like Star Soldier may never have existed. We are all honored to be a part of your community and to bring you Arena as Wing Commander gets ready to turn 18, we can vote! (Taggart/nar Hhallas 08!) Being able to share in a game that has at the same time such a rich, funny history (Ginger Lynn, really?) and such awesome fans is truly rare indeed. Thanks again and remember, somewhere between the Kilrathi Empire and the unknown, lies the future. Enjoy the party!

- The Wing Commander Arena team

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