The Best Just Gets Beta Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The fan-favorite Standoff mod for Wing Commander Secret Ops is looking for beta testers to help perfect Episode 4! It sounds like fun, but it will be a real tough job... they have some pretty strict requirements:

We need someone who has a sharp eye - you need to find ships that spawn facing the wrong way, misspelled words, comms sent by Pilot A but voiced by Pilot B, etc. You also need to look for holes in our missions. "What happens if I skip this navpoint" or "what if I blow all my torpedoes but fail to take out the capship". You will need to test the game as much as possible (as opposed to reporting a bug and then waiting for it to be fixed or not play anymore until next tuesday because you've already done your job for that week ), and we need you to respond quickly if we need a particular problem ironed out before we move on with a mission, or something like that. And we need to know what it is you're reporting, so you need to be able to communicate decently. No leetspeek.
You can register your application at the forums here. I hope this means their next episode is close!

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