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Kevin Caccamo is working on a Wing Commander themed cubic panorama. Ken Silverman gives this description of a cubic panorama:
Imagine taking a snapshot of everything around you and then projecting the mosaic of images onto the inside faces of a cube. Then put yourself in the center of this cube. You could look around in any direction, and as long as you didn't change your position, you would never know that you were inside a cube. It's like you're in an advanced 3D engine - just without the ability to move.
Kevin on his project: "From the Wing Commander community, we have seen movies, games, mods, images, animations, and missions. This project is the first ever Wing Commander themed Cubic Panorama. That means you will get to look around the image with 360 degrees of freedom! It is going to depict the WC3 era, showing a massive fleet of Kilrathi dreadnoughts on one side and another massive fleet of Confed battleships on another side."
  1. Save the large PNG file to your hard drive.
  2. Download KUBE.EXE from Ken Silverman's website.
  3. Run the program and select the PNG file from step 1 when prompted.
  4. Press the Escape key to exit the program.

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