Arena Supplement in the Works Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

AD recently started a discussion about Wing Commander game manuals over at the EA Arcade Forums, and community manager James Pond has replied by hinting at some exciting news - something extra is in the works for Arena! There are no details about what form this will take, but it will probably be "in the style of Claw Marks" and available on the EA Arcade website.
We are definitely aware that much of what makes the Wing Commander franchise great and memorable are the supplementary materials, subtle winks to past iterations of the game, and unique presentation of a "manual" in the style of claw marks, etc.

I can assure you that there is something in the works, that will be available here and it's really faithful to the spirit and presentation of those materials you remember and love!

This is more fantastic news for WC fans. From Claw Marks to the Secret Ops website, the additional fiction available for previous games has been an important bonus component to the overall experience, and it's great to hear that this effort is being made here. XBLA games traditionally have just a few pages of basic instructions in-game, so it seems that Arena continues to raise the bar in terms of what Live Arcade games have to offer.

What Will You Fly? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today's new poll asks which upcoming Arena fighter you're anticipating the most. There will be three variants for each of the six main frames for a total of eighteen flyable craft. Each ship is a classic design from earlier in the series, so they should all have their fans. It'll be interesting to see how these results compare to the numbers after pilots have gotten a chance to play with each fighter. Check out our Arena Ships Preview to learn more about these famous designs.

Our last poll asked which Arena feature was most exciting. Nostalgic Wingnuts swept the votes with "attention to WC history" in strong first place. The "return of classic ships" came in second. Exciting new features like sixteen person multiplayer and complex capship battles followed next. Either way, there's a whole lot to look forward to!

Poll Archive Refurbished Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

On the same subject, the CIC poll archive now contains 150 past surveys! In addition to some layout changes last year, we have retooled this section to make it more accessible. You can now drill down by year, and recurring polls have been collected on the same page so results can be compared. Check out these popular themes:

Today marks the first large-scale test of a new poll system, so let us know if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Also, if you have poll suggestions, we want to hear from you.

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