First Virtual TacOps Screenshot Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Mike-L has released the first screenshot for the online version of TacOps, Ironduke's neat WC2-themed tabletop game. This C++ port is still in the preliminary stages, but a basic interface and virtual layout is visible below. Units can be added, deleted and moved around now, and the game board can be manipulated. An AI isn't planned, but two players can hook up along to compete against each other or play custom scenarios. The map editor and basic game engine are also nearly complete. These elements will be releases as a basic tech demo when they're finished. Try out the printed version of TacOps here or help provide feedback at
I'm using mingw32 C++ compiler (one that comes together with DevC++ IDE) and SDL library (Simple Directmedia Layer) for graphics/mouse/keyboard support. SDL might not be top-performance but it's rather simple to use and it does it's job well. After all, running a 2D strategy game is not very demanding for the system. What is more it's a cross-system library so I'll be able to compile versions for Linux and MacOS as well.

All GUI elements were made in a hurry and there are to be replaced. That box in right upper corner is a minimap. More info coming soon.

Happy Birthday LOAF! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The CIC staff and I would like to wish Ben "Bandit (LOAF)" Lesnick a happy 26th birthday! When someone needs to seek out a Wing Commander expert, LOAF is at the very top of everyone's list. He's been a part of the online Wing Commander community for almost fifteen years, and nobody else has shared more knowledge and excitement with fellow fans. This year is no different in that regard, and every day LOAF is busy pumping people up and preparing for the upcoming launch of Wing Commander Arena. Join us and wish him a great day!

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