From The Archives: False Colors Interview Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I was putting together a short article on 'lost' Wing Commander novels last night when I made an unpleasant discovery: the original interview we did with Andrew Keith, co-author of Heart of the Tiger and False Colors, was missing. The interview, conducted in 1996, was one of my favorite projects for our immediate predecessor, the Wing Commander Home Sector. It discusses how Wing Commander novels are written and provided the first details on the then-upcoming False Colors. Most importantly, it briefly outlines Mr. Keith's hopes for two sequel stories.

Mr. Keith died in August 1999, these books unwritten - but his kindness to the Wing Commander community will never be forgotten. Luckily, we were able to locate the original IRC log of the event and then put it back together from there! Please be kind when reviewing the questions... I was only fifteen (and completely star-struck) when I held this interview. You can read it, preserved forever online, here.

LOAF: Two new novels? Can you give away any information on those?

Keith: The book ideas are still vague. One I'd like to do would involve a Kilrathi prince -- a friendly one -- from False Colors. Sort of Bonnie Prince Charles in Scotland, with Cats and carrier support by the Karga. The other would put the Landreich at war with the Confederation. I'm thinking of following something like the Alamo/Goliad/San Jacinto model.

This Ship's A Straith Shooter Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Deacan has released another update to his fancy Straith touch-up. The set of images below starts with Jacob Hudson's conceptual outline and artistic top-down redesign. A handful of his custom Brute Missiles are flanking the fighter in the second shot. Ser Kears is also continuing to make progress on a more intricately modeled and textured 3D version. These latest high resolution shots show how the team has captured many of the original ship's details while attempting to add some nice new polish.
The Straith is the cheapest fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. Because of its low cost, Straiths are flown only by the most desperate of men - those generally willing to do anything for a quick credit.

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