Boom Boom Soon... Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

1Up is reporting that Boom Boom Rocket, Electronic Arts' first EA Arcade will be released to the service in mid-April. Since XBLA titles are always published on Wednesdays, this means that BBR will probably be released on the 11th or the 18th.

The BBR official site has posted several trailers and a video showing someone playing the game blindfolded. I haven't really figured out how you play this game... but darnit, it looks pretty.

... Arena Later? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wing Commander Arena, the second game planned for EA's XBLA, might take a little more time getting out: EA UK has published a new version of the Arena fact sheet to their press site. An earlier version of the document listed "Spring 2007" as the release date... but this release has changed that field to read "Summer 2007". Without further specifics it's impossible to tell what this means... a late spring release is barely different from an early summer one. Nevertheless, you can download the original Word Document here (542 kb) -- suitable for framing!

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