Das Erwachen Stille Cover Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Deacan continues to make progress on his next fan novel, and he's just released the cover art for it. The colors for his Das Erwachen series will be blue, red and green to match the Privateer 2 disc included with the original German release. The colors actually varied considerably depending on the region they were released and the version of the game. Below you can compare the brown, blue and maroon of a US P2 Deluxe and the orange, red and blue of a US P2 DOS version. Deacan is still looking for help translating portions of the book from German to English to share the story with more fans.

Something Old, Something New Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Ed was looking around at old experimental fighters and found one design that looked familiar. He had come across a 1950s VTOL jet with special rotating pods on the wings. If the physical similarities weren't enough to consider it the inspiration for the Vampire, both share the same numerical designation. The original was known as the Bell XF-109, and the Wing Commander variants are the F-109A and F-109S.

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