Project & Site of the Year Voting! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Your nominations are in, and it's time to vote! Every year we award a single fan project and web site a prestigious 'Best of the Year' award... and the winners are selected by the Wing Commander community. A list of projects and sites nominated can be found below. Please choose one from each category and submit it to us here! You have until the end of the year to vote... the winners will be announced in January!

    Fan Project of the Year Nominees
  • Das Erwachen (The Awakening) Fan Novel/CCG: This is Privateer II's tenth anniversary, and Deacon is celebrating in style -- with an entire fan novel and customizable card game available online!
  • Flight Commander: Flight Commander is a Prophecy-style game engine created by EddieB that allows fans to build their own missions and scenarios!
  • HCl's Prophecy Multiplayer/High Res/DVD video patch: As always, HCl has done the impossible -- added an entire multiplayer mode to Wing Commander Prophecy. It's something that even Origin believed impossible, and that has changed the way Wing Commander fans play their favorite game.
  • Holding The Line: Holding the Line is a massive fan fiction serial which has been ongoing for several years -- well eclipsing the Wing Commander Aces fan club which spawned it.
  • WC4 Homeworld 2 Mod: The Homemworld 2 mod took everyone by surprise -- Aaron Thomas has created entire Confederate, Border World and Black Lance factions that can already be played using the game's multiplayer!
  • Wing Commander: Against All Odds RPG: AAO is a message board/IRC-based role playing game that has really taken off this year! AAO players frequent for their various adventures.
  • Wing Commander Pioneer: Pioneer is a ground-up Privateer-style game being developed by veteran artist Howard Day. No gameplay yet, but it certainly looks impressive!
    Web Site of the Year Nominees
  • Das Erwachen (The Awakening): Thanks to the graphic expertise of Hudson, The Awakening sorts an impressive Privateer II-themed website to go with its neat book and CCG.
  • HCl's Wing Commander Editing Site: HCl's site may not be the prettiest in the universe... but it can't be beat in terms of true content. If you're interested in editing any Wing Commander game, it's a good bet you'll find what you're looking for here.
  • Holding The Line: HTL isn't just a big story -- it has an excellent and tasteful reference site, too.
  • Standoff: Standoff was project of the year last year... and this year their website is up for an award instead. Everyone is anxiously awaiting Episode 4... and this is the place to find out the latest!
  • Wedge's Wing Commander: Wedge has put together an amazing collection of Wing Commander odds and ends, including complete scripts for every game!
  • Wing Commander Saga: The Wing Commander Saga mod for Freespace 2 features a big, flashy website styled after Wing Commander IV's computer interfaces!
  • Wing Commander: The Wasteland Incident: Wasteland is a mod for Wing Commander Secret Ops.

We've Got A Viking! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander fans are always curious about what series creator Chris Roberts is up to in Hollywood. To help answer that question, we're proud to host, a new site reporting on the development of the movie Outlander.

The film is produced by Roberts, and stars to Wing Commander veterans: John Hurt (Joe Kane, Privateer 2) and Ron Perlman (Daimon Karnes, Academy). It tells the story of a battle between Vikings and an alien monster in ancient Norway -- and it looks pretty neat! The site is run by AD, whose name should be familiar to frequent Wing Commander news readers. He's very dedicated, and has been tracking down all kinds of news and multimedia about the movie!

WingNuts should pay special attention to this clip (33mb, .wmv), in which Roberts explains the concept behind the movie!

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