Peter Telep Goes to War Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's been quite a while since we last checked in with Wing Commander and Pilgrim Stars author Peter Telep... and he's been busy! Telep has authored two three-book military fiction series in the last three years... which you may have missed, since he's been writing under the pen names P.W. Storm and Pete Callahan.

The first series is "Force 5 Recon", which follows the adventures of a modern USMC Force Recon. The books are: Deployment: Pakistan, Deployment: North Korea and Deployment: Phillipines. The second is "Armored Corps", which follows an American tank battalion through a possible war between North and South Korea. They are: Armored Corps, Engage and Destroy and Attack By Fire.

... but wait, there's more! Telep has two more similar series' in the works. The next is called "The Mercenaries," and the first novel, Blood Diamonds, will be available in December! You can learn about these books and more at his attractive new website here.

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