Alternate Paint Scheme Mocked Up In Homeworld Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Aaron recently took his assets from the WC4 Homeworld 2 mod and tried something slightly different. He's given a handful of the project's fighters their original Wing Commander 3 textures to see how they look. The change is subtle at a distance, but these war-era paint schemes are bold and distinctive up close. It can be easy to overlook the unique visual details given to each iteration of a craft in Wing Commander, but the series has a long history of creatively redecorating its ships. Check out here for more images and commentary.
Here's a little treat. Everyone please note the pictures you see below have been made just for fun and to see what these ships look like in the HW2 engine. Since I had the models ready, I went ahead and just changed the textures. I am not working on a WC3 mod right now, no such plans until I finish the WC4 Mod.

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