Pioneer Station Gets New Modules Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Howard Day has built a variety of useful modules to stick on his WC Pioneer station. Fuel tanks, cargo containers, refining equipment and agricultural modules are visible in the shots below. Note the similarity between the cargo boxes and what you might find attached to a Drayman. The plan is to show that smaller stations have fewer supplies by removing the boxes. You can find more sample images and provide feedback at here.
I've gotten a good ways along on the Hydroponics module. The cool grain, flowers and grass are all done by a simple method of layering planes. Each plane layer has a speckle pattern on it, and when they're layered, they simulate thousands so stalks of wheat, or whatever. Anyhow - comments are absolutely welcome.

Frontier Fashion Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

McGruff recently came up with a crafty way to spice up his Wing Commander hat. The idea is that Confed probably outsources production of some items to neighbors like the Landreich. He was able to get some specialty clothing tags printed through a friend that read "Crafted With Pride In The F.R.L." Neato.

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