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Want to catch up on all the EA Replay news without reading through the archive every day? Well, now you can! In the grand tradition of our popular Prophecy GBA mini-site comes a new page to collect all the news, screenshots and information released on the upcoming EA Replay product... it's online here! It currently features 14 screenshots and a collection of mockups we made of what the game may look like in action. We're looking forward to improving it as more information becomes available in the next two months. Just 61 days to go!

What's This Shirt? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a weird one: Eclypsed caught a few pictures of a fan with a homemade Wing Commander IV shirt while attending the 2006 Penny Arcade eXpo. This must be some kind of internet forum joke that we haven't seen before -- but it's a neat shirt, regardless. The Acronym Finder says FTGF means "Fight the Good Fight" -- appropriate! PAX is a major gaming convention set up by the creators of the Penny Arcade internet comic. Some of our staff attended back in 2004!

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