German Magazine Recognizes Wing Commander Fans Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The German gaming mag GameStar has written a neat piece about the WC Saga fan project. Page 153 of the August 2006 issue carried the feature below. German press has always been very friendly towards the Wing Commander series, but it's still not very often that fans are appreciated in print, so this is nice to see. Saga's team has provided a translation of the text as well.

Some pilots get cool callsigns like "Maverick," Ace," or "Duke," but "Sandman?" "Sandman?!" While it may not be the greatest callsign, it really doesn't matter, because some people would gladly call themselves "Buttercup" just to be able to pilot a starfighter and fight the Kilrathi! Very soon they will get their wish, because Wing Commander will be back as a mod for Freespace 2. You will be David "Sandman" Markham, a young fighter pilot who has to prove himself against the Kilrathi. The story of Wing Commander Saga takes place during the Wing Commander 3 era. Through 35 missions you will encounter old friends and new enemies, all with updated graphics. In addition, a multiplayer mode for Wing Commander Saga is also in progress. Best of all, Wing Commander Saga will run without having to own a retail copy of Freespace 2. To that we say, "Enter Sandman!"

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