All Confed Models Integrated Into Homeworld Mod Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The final major model for the Confederation faction in Aaron Thomas' WC4 Homeworld 2 mod is now an actual structure in the game. It will get an additional scaffolding/construction attachment so it can serve as a shipyard, but the pictures below give everyone a good look at the design. After the Confed skirmish mode is polished up, the Border Worlds and Black Lance sides will be implemented. A number of UBW/BL ships are already combat ready. Progress is moving along at a good pace, and we're anxious to see what comes next. For those who missed it last week, be sure to check out the gameplay video from the current beta build.

There's A Place For Everybody Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Our new poll asks fans to pick an organization that best represents them. Technology-using technophobes can vote for the Retros in the first option. Kilrathi enthusiasts have the Cult of Sivar. Those concerned with the environment might want to help the Intergalactic EPA clean up Veratek. Business people can decide whether they're more of a merchant or a mercenary. Shady CIC visitors might want to vote for the Mandarins, and last, but not least, our ever-ready fighter pilots can vote for the SRA.
The old poll got everyone thinking about their favorite launch scenes. Wing Commander 1's classic dash from the briefing room was a very popular choice (download the scramble mp3 here). Cinematic cutscenes that found creative ways to drop you in space also received strong support. I thought Prophecy's crane on rails was pretty neat, but it lost out to Mark Hamill scrambling down the ready room stairs on the Victory. Poor Academy's holodeck got the least love.

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