X3 Mod Includes Wing Commander Ships Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Canaris let us know about a neat ship pack for X3 Reunion that includes a couple of popular Wing Commander designs. In addition to a ton of models from franchises such as Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Firefly, the famous Dralthi and Banshee fighters make their debut in the X3 engine here. DeadlyDa's "Deadly Ship & Station Mod" includes almost 40 other ships, a few special space stations, helpful scripts and other tweaks. The latest release of the project requires the X3 version 1.4 patch or higher. Fans can grab the 17 meg file here, and check out the Egosoft Forums for information on future developments.

Space Sims Now Available On Steam Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In related news, meisdavidp reports that space sims X2 The Threat and X3 Reunion have been added to the Steam online content delivery service. Both games seemed to do relatively well in the struggling space sim market, and this should give them a nice boost in sales. The games are available for very cheap prices, and this highly visible exposure will hopefully give some traditionally non-simming gamers a great opportunity to get into the genre. For the next few days, the games are also offered at a 10% discount. And as an added bonus, X3 on Steam even ditches the controversial Starforce copy protection which has been in the news this year.

The space game X3: Reunion and its predecessor X2: The Threat are now available via Steam. Regularly $19.95 and $14.95 respectively, they are being offered with an additional 10% discount during their first week of release. Both feature lush graphics and have been called the best in class by several publications.
EA's own delivery service, EA Downloader, is slowly increasing its games library as well. Although they don't currently feature any space combat sims, EA's partnership with GameTap will bring at one classic Wing Commander game online soon.

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