Get A Closer Look At A Saga Mission Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The WC Saga team has put together a summary of a typical strike in their upcoming Freespace mod. Missions begin and end with traditional carrier landings that are designed to be flown manually. Autopilot has been added to the engine, and regular combat includes a number of familiar Wing Commander themes. The battle pictured below pits two opposing cruisers together. With friendly fighter support, the Confed warship can take out the Fralthi II. You can find more screenshots and descriptions at the WC Saga website.

What would WC be without autopilot and nav points, two features that were not present in Freespace 2? We received a nice code feature that allows us to autopilot to different mission areas without any loading cycles between the nav points. Our autopilot function doesn't show an automatic flyby scene, but it uses a “real traveling” system. When the autopilot is engaged, the ship steers itself and the engine slowly engages up to a 64x time compression, otherwise it could take quite some time to get to the next area.

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