Saga's Kilrathi Ships Put On Display Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The WC Saga team has posted a new wallpaper to their website. The 1280x1024 resolution image was designed by gevatter Lars and depicts a Kilrathi battlegroup escorted by Strakha fighters as it approaches what appears to be a jump point.

The Wing Commander Saga team is proud to present a new wallpaper by gevatter Lars!

Kilrathi starships are designed to acheive both lethal functionality and demoralizing psychological impact. This new scene displays the intimidating might of the claw-like Kilrathi capital ships while it simultaneously evokes the pathos of the mysterious and deadly Strahka fighter, whose stealthy ferocity is laid out in stark contrast to the ethereal beauty of deep space.

The WC Saga developers have previously released a number of pretty wallpapers, but I think this one is one of their best so far.

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