New WCSO High Res Patch Fixes Sound Distortion Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

HCl has released a minor tweak to the high resolution patch for Secret Ops. Players that encountered skipping and stuttering in the in-flight communications dialogue can use this new version to listen smoothly. If you already have the high res patch for SO installed and running properly, simply unzip and overwrite this file to your Secret Ops folder. Otherwise grab the whole 8 meg pack here. This is just a precursor to a major upgrade patch currently in the works. The next iteration should fix the hud in Glide mode, allow higher resolutions and even support widescreen monitors!
The bug is actually on the sound streamer routines, the video just tries to keep up with the audio when the bug is triggered. This happens far more often during FMV play though, which is why I never ported this fix to WCSO.

However, I have the code handy, so I included the fix and recompiled the main DLL for the WCSO highres patch. Unzip it into the WCSO directory after installing the highres patch and the problem should be gone.

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