Geek Empire Gets The Wing Commander Message Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Smooth over at Geek Empire has published a neat retrospective on the life-changing impacts of the Wing Commander universe. The series is symbolic of the types of games that went beyond being just fun to play. Wing Commander captivated the imagination of millions of science fiction fans and has been a source of great enthusiasm for fifteen years now. None of this is new to the regular readers of our site, but it's always an important message that we like to see get around to a new audience. You can find the complete article here. If you're wondering what more can be done to help spread the word, share your Wing Commander excitement with a friend.
When I look back at all the games of the Wing Commander series, I always smile inside. I think that gamers coming up today should be able to have this same experience as I had: That they can play a game that inspires them.

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